Caravans, Motorhomes, Trailers, Burger Vans and Mariners are some of the services that Essex Heating Services maintain, install, service and certificate.
It is very important for you to maintain your LPG appliances regularly at these premises. It may not be common knowledge, but there are different requirements and regulations for LPG.
For example:
- LPG works at a higher pressure than natural gas.
- LPG is also a lot heavier than natural gas and air.
- This causes LPG/propane/butane to actually sink.
Depending on where your appliances are or the storage of your fuel, they will require adequate ventilation. This is one of the compliances of LPG Gas regulations and a requirement for the safe keeping of these types of premises.
Essex Heating Services is fully trained in the proper handling of LPG installation, testing and servicing.